New AStA speaker for Department for University Policy needed

Moin fellow students,

The AStA is looking for someone interested and motivated from you who can imagine becoming part of the AStA.

We are looking for a speaker for the Department for University Policy.

More information about the position and the required application documents can be found here. Please submit your application as soon as possible.

If you are interested, please email us your application as soon as possible to

Kind regards,
your StuPa-Presidium

New AStA speaker for culture and events needed

Moin everyone,

as our culture and events officer has unfortunately resigned, we are looking for a motivated person who can imagine taking on this position and who ideally already has some HoPo experience.

More information about the position and the required application documents can be found here. Please submit your application as soon as possible.

We hope to receive numerous applications from you,

your StuPa-Presidium

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