Working group for an alternative distribution of the student representative budget

Your duties

The working group for an alternatie distribution of the student representatives’ budget is charged to find one or more solutions to distribute the budget more fairly. These solutions are to be presented to the StuPa, which will decide on them.

In order to ease the workload you should work with the treasurers or the chairpersons of the student representatives.

You will work intensively with the constitution of the student body and the economic order.


  • You are interested in working with the constitution of the student body
  • You are motivated
  • You are interested in finding solutions for the problem and understand the reasons for the change
  • You want to help the student body improve
  • Experience with the works of the student self-administration is usefull but not required

Your chances

Your work in the working group supports the student body and the student representatives.

You are interested? Then let’s go!

Apply at the presidium of the student parliament!

You have to be an enroled student of the TUHH. Your application schould contain:

  1. The position you want to apply for
  2. Your first and last name
  3. Your current adress
  4. Your major
  5. Rudementary Iídeas and plans
  6. Information regarding experience with the student self-administration (If you have it)
  7. A signed conformation, that in the event that you schould be elected you will accept the outcome of the election.

If you have any further question, wrtie a mail to the presidium of the student parliament.

Your questions will be answerde the best we can.

Please send your application as a PDF file After you have handed in your application you will be invited to the next StuPa meeting where you can introduce yourself to the StuPa and the StuPa can ask you questions regarding your application. Your attendance to this meeting is mandatory in order to be elected.

This is in corelation with §33 (3) and (4), as well as §37 of the election order of the student body.

election committee needed

Moin dear fellow students
in order to have a successfull election in November for the StuPa and FSRs we need your help

We need five motivated students, that are willing to form the election committee.

Your main tasks would be to design and print the election papers with all the candidates, organiseing and conduction of the election and the counting of the votes.
Additionally a election report has to be handed in to the newly formed StuPa.

It is important to know that the persons on the election committee are not eligible to be electet themselfs!

If you are interessted, contact us vie mail at:

We are eager to hear from you.
Your StuPa Presidium

New AStA speaker for Department for University Policy needed

Moin fellow students,

The AStA is looking for someone interested and motivated from you who can imagine becoming part of the AStA.

We are looking for a speaker for the Department for University Policy.

More information about the position and the required application documents can be found here. Please submit your application as soon as possible.

If you are interested, please email us your application as soon as possible to

Kind regards,
your StuPa-Presidium

New AStA speaker for culture and events needed

Moin everyone,

as our culture and events officer has unfortunately resigned, we are looking for a motivated person who can imagine taking on this position and who ideally already has some HoPo experience.

More information about the position and the required application documents can be found here. Please submit your application as soon as possible.

We hope to receive numerous applications from you,

your StuPa-Presidium