The Student Parliament

The StuPa is the highest representative body of student self-administration at the TUHH. Its members are elected in part by all students together (Free Chamber) and in part by the student councils (Student Representative Chamber). Elections are usually held in early to mid-December.

The StuPa primarily deals with issues that affect all TUHH students and sets guidelines for other committees. For example, the StuPa decides on the budget of the student body and elects the members of the AStA.

The StuPa usually meets every two weeks (or once a month during the semester break). The meetings are open to the public, i.e. anyone who wishes can come to the meetings.

The Free Chamber

The Free Chamber comprises 13 seats. These seats are allocated depending on the number of votes a list receives in the the annual elections, among the elected lists. Within the lists, seats are also allocated on the basis of the number of votes received per member.

The Student Representatives Chamber

The Student Representatives Chamber comprises 12 seats. These twelve seats are divided among the eight student councils according to the number of students in each student council. The student councils then elect representatives from their own ranks to represent the respective student council and its students in the StuPa