Economic counctil of the student body

Moin at the economic council!

As a team of students and representatives of the university, we are entrusted with advising and controlling the student body in all its economic and financial matters.

For example, the approval of the Economic Council is required for the budget of the student body and its over-or underrun as well as for entering into liabilities with third parties.

We also regularly check the bookkeeping as well as the cash of the AStA, so that you know your tuition fees are in trustworthy hands!

We meet about once a quarter for this purpose.

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the student body’s finances, please feel free to contact us or the AStA’s finance department!

Members of the Economic council

Wir haben noch eine freie Stelle – Bewerbungen gerne per Mail an, mehr Infos könnt ihr gerne bei uns oder beim Wirtschaftsrat (Kontakt siehe unten) erfragen!

Status groupRepresentativeDeputy
Professorial memberProf. Dr. Timo Heinrich
Members of the Technical, Library and Administrative Staff (TVP)Katja MertinDr. Volker Pekron
Members of the student bodyChristian Plog
Ibrahim Mawloud
Ignatz Golovin

Frida Thomesn
Akash Rajan
Levent Can


  • The economic regulations and the rules of procedure of the economic council can be found here
  • The minutes of the last meetings of the Economic Council can be found here

Next meeting

  • When: TBA,
  • Where: TBA