Boards & Committees
University policy at the TUHH consists of a complicated network of various bodies and committees. For example, there is the Academic Senate, the StuPa, the student councils and many more. The following organizational chart illustrates the hierarchy of boards and committees at our university, who elects whom, and where representatives go.

Especially new students might have problems to understand the upper diagramm, therefor below is a simplified version of that. This version also shows, which commettees are elected by the student body.

Student representatives* who are elected by the students:
commettee | Representative | Deputy |
Academic Senate | Lilian Block Antonia Münchenbach | Julian Köbernick Leonard Sommer |
Student Parliament | see here | |
Fachschaftsräte | see here |
Student representatives who are elected by the StuPa:
commettee | Representative | Deputy |
Economic Council | see here at “Members of the student body” | |
administration adcisory council of the Campus-Shop | Members of the StuPa: Johannes Moosbrugger Members of the AS: see below Members of the FSR: Joana Stein | Vertreter*in: Fabian Finkenzeller Vertreter*in: alle weiteren AS-Mitglieder Vertreter*in: – |
Vertreterversammlung des Studierendenwerks | Frederik Eberhard | Fabian Finkezeller |
Guest Advisory Board Mensa | Joana Stein | Alexander Babendererde |
Counselor for town houses | Miora Gerull | Johanna Spansel |
Student representatives elected by the Academic Senate in consultation with the StuPa and the FSRs:
commettee | Representative | Deputy | |
Studiendekanats-/ Studienbereichsausschüsse | see here | ||
Appeals Committees | see here | ||
Committee for awarding the title of Prof. and Doz. | Julius Henf | Julius Aka | |
Committee for Strategy Development in Studies and Teaching | Aaron Bracht Fabian Finkenzeller Christopher Hanson | Philipp Wieland Eddi Arriaga Flores Niklas Bartsch | |
Committee for Equality | Klara Stapelfeld | Gesa Dolkemeyer | |
Committee for NTAs | Aaron Bracht Matthias Rohrer | Annemarie Chyczewski Lion Seufer | |
Budget and Planning Committee | Bjarne Scheffczyk Lion Seufer | Ben Hupka Vivienne Herzog | |
Library Committee | Dennis Espert | Joana Stein | |
Commitee IT | Tizian Holzhausen | TIm Malich | |
Committee for the strategic planning of research | Matthias Rohrer | Jan Jeske | |
Joint Commission for MBA Programs | Ilayda Grüner | Mathias Renz | |
Distribution of scholarships | Alexander Gildenberg | Leonard Sommer | |
Joint Commission for University Sports Hamburg Universities | Elias Möller | – | |
Committee for Ethical Issues | Doran Nettig | Konrad Mörsch | |
Joint Commission on Women’s Studies, etc. | Joana Stein | Julian Köbernick |
[date: 31.08.2023]