AStA election
The AStA (generall student committee) will be reelected in the upcomming weeks. Therefore we need your support.
An application should be approximately one page long and contain the following:
- name
- current adress
- major
- semester
- experience in the field of application
- Motivation and plans in office
- a signed confirmation that the election will be accepted if it goes accordingly
And be sent to the StuPa (
The following offices are part of the AStA:
- 2nd chair
Units for:
- equality
- university policy
- infrastructur
- international
- IT
- culture and events
- sustainability
- public relations
- social and health
You can find more detailed information on the tasks of the offices on the AStA website ( or you can drop by the current AStA in the E building with a question. We advise you to contact the AStA member you would like to replace to get additional infromation.