Vollversammlung der Studierendenschaft
Dear fellow students,
participate now!
Next week on Wednesday the 10th of April at 1 p.m. the general Assembly of the student body will be held in Audimax 1.
Every student of the TUHH is allowed to attend the assembly in order to learn what is going on on campus right now and to take part in the discussion for future plans of the TUHH.
Especially this semesters assembly might hold some useful information for all students.
The preliminary agenda is:
Part A: Formal
TOP 0: Opening of the Assembly
TOP 1: Determination of the quorum
Part B: General businesses
TOP 2: Introduction of the committees
TOP 3: Introduction of the new booking app for rooms
TOP 4: Information regarding the shorter exam period in the summer semester
TOP 5: Climate neutrality of the TU
TOP 6: Information regarding TV-Stud
TOP 7: Advertisement for student committees
TOP 8: Tips for the e-mail filter
TOP 9: Miscellaneous
until next wednesday
Your StuPa Presidium