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Studierendenparlament Technische Universität Hamburg
Studierendenparlament der TUHH
StuPa up to date
Next StuPa Meeting
FSR- / StuPa-election 2024
The Student Parliament
The members of the student parliament
The Presidium
Committees of the Student Parliament
General Assembly of the Student Body
Join in!
Boards & Committees
Student Parliament (StuPa)
General Student Committee (AStA)
Antiacism (AntiRa)
Economic counctil of the student body
Student Representative Councils (FSR)
Academic Senate (AS)
Committees and Commissions of the Academic Senate
Dean of Studies Committees(SDA).
Examination committees (PA)
Appeals Committees
Downloads & Links
Statutes & Regulations
Meeting minutes
Applications & Publications
Student council assignments
Die Anforderungsliste
[Wahlzeitung Dezember 2022]